More Keridwyn…what’s next for Seattle Pockets

I’ve become disconnected with my own blog. Don’t get me wrong, I love the events I preview and attend, the giveaways I host and the things I share…I just don’t feel like the blog has much of me in it these days.

Perhaps this is because of fear. A fear of expressing my opinion, taking a side of an issue that will create a public debate? Perhaps it’s because I work in social media and don’t want to rile anyone. I generally don’t like to rile people – just not my style. I’m more of a peace keeper. But why is my fear telling me that expressing myself more, putting more of myself into the blog would necessarily rile people? Need to get over that fear.

I’ve been doing a lot of “soul-searching” lately…and I’m looking to increase more of that in my life.  I had a turning point when I finally picked up “The Power of Now” by Eckert Tolle, which I’ll be sure to touch on in a future post. I’ve decided to free up a little of my time to dedicate to working on myself in the next year and a half, with workshops and experiences to help me tap back into my true source.

I’ve decided to take this blog to a slightly more personal level. For those of you who love my giveaways, don’t worry, they aren’t going away. You’re just going to get a little more Keridwyn in this blog.
Don’t worry, I plan on keeping my blog posts short and sweet. This one’s going to be an exception, however, since I’ll be walking through my thought process of what’s next for Seattle Pockets.
I went back to the beginning of this blog to see what my motivation was.  One of my motivations was to improve my writing skills. I haven’t focused on that as I had planned to, as blogging has taken a back burner – if not a behind-the-stove-with-the-dust-bunnies – spot to my growing my business.

In my first post, I share ideas I had about what this blog could be about.

– Auntie blog posts (since I’m not a mommy blogger and never plan on being one…but love my nieces and my friends’ kids)

-TV and Movie suggestions (spoiler free!)

-Costume and makeup ideas (I love a good costume party!)

-Seattle events (well I have that one covered!)

– Relationships, living and learning. (finding a way to reflect on relationships, happiness, growth and more without being too personal that it affects those around me)

-Having fun and saving money (I spent many years living a VERY frugal life…and find saving money actually fun!)

Really, it seems like Seattle events is the only one of these items that I focused on!

I’ll add to this list a few other things I’d like to include in my blog:

-Travel (reviews of cities and countries I visit)

– Other’s opinions (I do a lot of crowd sourcing on Facebook and should share that valuable content!)

– My life (things that happen to me during the week, that I see or read or experience)

– Restaurant and Wine (Great experiences I want to share so that you can try them too!)

I want to still keep Seattle Pockets a positive space, and one generally focused on Seattle, I just expand it so that it becomes richer in content and more an extension of who I am.

I’m not sure why this has been hard for me, but I’m willing and excited to explore that some more.

Hope you’ll stay with me…and do let me know if there’s a particular type of post you’re most interested to read!

Thanks for listening. I’d love your feedback on this, if you want to share!

Tyler Wedding Sept13


  1. I think this is great! It can definitely be scary to share more of you. I know for me I’ve tried to find the right balance of being open and sharing more about my life. I would love to hear and read more about your costume tips- I need to be more creative when it comes to that department. Nice post, Keridwyn!


    • Thank you, Mollie! It helps knowing you and others are in the same boat…it is a balance that can be hard to find!

      I’m definitely open to sharing more costume tips – sounds like a great subject for early October!!


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